The MITRUST project has developed the Narrative Document for the identification of linguistic objectives of deliverable PR1.
After conducting Desk Research and gathering data from Construction Sector Professionals and Third Country Nationals across all four countries, the MITRUST project has concluded that the main need was to have a good command of the local language. In accordance with that, the identification of the Learning objectives will provide the base on which the learning course will be planned and designed.

The Linguistic Learning Objectives involve the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing but also specific language functions, essential class vocabulary and learning strategies. The process of identifying the MITRUST Linguistic Learning Objectives is as follows:

STEP 1: Check the primary skills identified and considered as necessary for migrant workers in the construction sector during the Task 1 implementation. The construction skills identified: stone working, electrical wiring, roofing, plumbing, painting, woodworking, and heavy equipment operation. What is more, health and safety principles and ICT skills are of equal importance.

STEP 2: On the individual table skill (see the table below), define the content objective describing the skill.

STEP 3: Check Bloom Taxonomy (and related verbs) to identify the best level and verbs for the desired learning and write the language objectives based on the language domain. The linguistic objectives of the MITRUST project will be developed based on the first three main sections of the Bloom Taxonomy model, i.e. Remember, Understand, Apply.

STEP 4: Connect the skill with one of the three main occupational profiles identified as the profiles with the biggest shortages in the construction sector, the construction worker or builder, electrician, and plumber.
The elaborate MITRUST Linguistic Learning Objectives have been published in the Narrative Document and can be found attached to this newsletter.
Simultaneously, the partnership is working on the creation of the educational curriculum (Glossary, Soft Skills Curricula and Construction Pedia) of deliverable PR2, which is expected to be finalized at the end of June.

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